“Peanut Butter”, Weight Loss Food For Health Lovers

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Peanut butter isn’t the first thing many people think of when they want to lose weight, but peanut butter is actually load with many nutrients that are beneficial for weight loss such as protein, D fat, vitamin E, vitamin B3, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, folate. Or vitamin B9, magnesium, copper or manganese, etc. However, eating too much peanut butter can have a negative impact on the body. Since 100 grams of peanut butter provides 588 calories, consumers should only eat in moderation.

Peanut Butter and Weight Loss

Even though peanut butter is weight loss food overlook Plus some people still think of the negative effects of consuming peanut butter. But the weight loss benefits of this diet have been studied in several aspects:

Decreased appetite 

Because peanut butter is a food that is high in good fats and protein. It may make consumers feel full faster. As a result, the appetite is reduced as well. This is especially beneficial for those who want to lose weight. Peanut butter protein is also an important part of building muscle mass during weight loss. Make the metabolic system work normally Consumers have continued to lose weight. 

Maintain weight to be in the normal range. 

While peanut butter is high in fat and calories, it does not cause consumers to gain fat or gain weight. With research showing that Consuming peanut butter may help you control your weight better than not at all. And if you eat peanut butter on a regular basis, it may result in lower BMI or BMI (Body Mass Index).

Having a slower weight gain

Professionals say Peanut butter is one of the foods that are Low Glycemic Index (GI), which helps to control weight and blood sugar levels. Makes you feel full longer Plus increasing the amount of energy in the body Eating peanut butter has resulted. The blood sugar level increases gradually after eating. The body weight of the consumer is gaining more slowly than eating process foods. Or starchy foods that may have a high GI, even though they are eaten in smaller amounts. 

How to safely eat peanut butter

Eating peanut butter to provide the body with the benefits for weight loss fully and safely. Consumers should always look for the label on the product first. To get the right kind of peanut butter for yourself And should be careful of some disadvantages such as

  • Some brands of peanut butter contain high amounts of sugar, salt and preservatives that can affect health. Consumers should choose natural peanut butter. Or peanut butter that is free from the aforementioned substances Which is better for your health and helps in losing weight
  • Coarse peanut butter contains more fiber and folate than the granular type. Which may help strengthen the digestive system But fine peanut butter may contain more protein than the coarse type.
  • Consumers should eat the amount of peanut butter that is suitable for themselves. It will vary from person to person. In order not to allow the body to get too many calories.
  • People who are allergic to peanuts or peanut butter should avoid eating peanut butter. If you find any abnormality, stop eating and see your doctor immediately, such as vomiting, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, indigestion, wheezing. Or severe allergic reactions, etc. 
  • Each brand of peanut butter may be at risk of contamination from mycotoxins such as Aflatoxin In different quantities Consumers should always check the packaging first. If an abnormality is found. It should not be bought or eaten. This is because overexposure to large or small amounts of this substance can result in convulsions, difficulty breathing, liver damage, heart damage and brain swelling. And may increase the risk of liver cancer 

However, the key to losing weight with peanut butter is: Consumption with moderation You may eat only 1-2 tablespoons per meal, not more than 2-3 times a week. In combination with a healthy diet Avoid junk foods that contain sugar or trans fats. Exercise regularly Including refraining from smoking or drinking alcohol To make this weight loss successful along with continued good health.